What is a Grease Trap or Interceptor?

A grease trap is a receptacle into which wastewater containing oil, grease or fat flows through before entering the sewer system. It is used to prevent these oils and fats from blocking up the sewers and creating fatbergs. They are often used in commercial kitchens which use a lot of cooking oils.

There are lots of hospitality companies and buildings that have no mains sewer drainage facilities. This means that all the liquid waste that they produce on site will have to be stored in tanks and then those tanks need to be periodically emptied. This liquid waste includes sewage, wastewater and commercial kitchen grease trap or interceptor waste. It is illegal to let this sort of waste enter the natural watercourse so the waste needs to be disposed of properly in a licenced waste treatment facility. Often hotels will be built in secluded areas where there is no drainage to a sewer so lots of these hotels will have large wastewater storage tanks around the facility. The liquid waste sometimes needs to be pumped to these tanks and when these pumps fail the hotel may face temporary closure. Often they will pump the waste water to one tank and the interceptor waste to another tank.

Case Study – Tortworth Court Hotel – Grease Traps & Sewage Emptying

We recently had a problem like this at one of our regular customers called Tortworth Court Hotel.

We regularly empty 4000 gallons of sewage on schedule from Tortworth Court based in Gloucestershire. All their liquid waste is pumped from around the hotel grounds into some large storage tanks. The site relies on the pumps in order to get the waste into these tanks. One morning Andersons Waste Management received a call from Tortworth advising that the pumps had stopped working and that daily tankering would be required to keep their sewage levels down and the hotel operational. We covered this demand until the engineers had identified the fault and arranged the appropriate repairs. 

We also regularly empty their industrial grease tanks from their commercial kitchens. We remove around 2,000 gallons of kitchen grease on a monthly basis. Having the tanks emptied on a regular basis keeps the tanks clean and in good working order. This reduces the chances of blockages caused by the build-up of fat which, in turn, reduces the risk of the kitchens being closed down.

Sometimes unforeseen emergencies appear such as heavy rain or pumps failing or larger quantities of people on site. All of which mean there is often a requirement for more tankers at short notice to remove excess liquid waste. The Andersons team will always help out when possible, we are on call 24/7 so normally we can help out with any emergency liquid waste collections, please do call us on 01454 222888 and we will do our best to sort out any liquid waste collections you may need. We have our own waste treatment plant which can take certain types of liquid waste and it can also be opened when other water treatment plants are closed.

Book Domestic & Commercial Liquid Waste Removal Services

For local domestic Septic Tank Emptying or Commercial Waste Liquid removal services in Bristol, Swindon, Bath, Cardiff, Newport, Gloucester and Cheltenham areas, complete the form below or call 01454 222 888.